InnoVets Aerospace Corporate Staff
Combined, co-founders Chris Yakabe and Mike Whitted have 53 years of aviation experience including over 20,000 hours of pilot-in-command and instructional hours on 23 types of military/civilian light and heavy aircraft ranging from the Schweitzer 2-33 glider and Cessna 152, to the KC-10 Tanker and Boeing 747-400 Jumbo-jet.
The owners have also worked in the field of Federal Government Contracting for over ten years. They served in leadership roles at the United States Air Force Academy Center of Innovation, specializing in the coordination of large-scale research contracts for the purpose of integrating commercial sector IT initiatives with Homeland Security Exercises; as well as overseeing the CRADA Application Process. Throughout multiple corporate entities, they have managed operations for government services contracts totaling over $23 million annually.
Services provided include: Airfield Management, Aircrew Life Support, Transient Aircraft Maintenance, Fuel Supply, Vehicle Operations & Maintenance, Warehousing, Supply, Transportation, Mail Services, Material Handling, and Range Support.